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 n.— «Obtener una acta de nacimiento en la Oficialía Civil de la Segunda Circunscripción del Distrito Nacional es una verdadera odisea para cualquiera, “a menos que usted se cantee con RD$350 y le pague a un buscón,” denunciaron ayer varias personas.» —“Denuncian anomalías obtener documentos” by German Marte Hoy (Santo Domingo, Dom. Rep.) July 17, 2004. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Your Two Cents (episode #1558)

Astronauts returning from space say they experience what’s called the overview effect, a new understanding of the fragility of our planet and our need to reflect on what humans all share as a species. A book about the end of the universe...

Stopping at Every Milk Can

The German phrase Der Bus hält an jeder Milchkanne literally translates as “The bus stops at every milk can,” and refers to a bus that stops at every little out-of-the-way town. This is part of a complete episode.


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