A Vermont listener named Amy is looking for a word to denote a particular kind of light. She has an eye condition that makes her photophobic, which means that ordinary light makes her physically uncomfortable. She wants a word that describes that specific level of illumination where color just begins to be detectable. None of the following quite gets at what she’s looking for: alpenglow, dim, gloaming, pre-dawn light, subdued light, starlight, or crepuscular. There’s the word antelucan, an archaic word that describes conditions just before dawn, from Latin words meaning exactly that. Martha makes up the word chromagogic based on Greek roots that would mean “leading to color,” just as hypnagogic refers to the period leading up to sleep. But Grant may have the best and most specific suggestion of all: amylight. Do you have a better one? This is part of a complete episode.
If you start the phrase when in Rome… but don’t finish the sentence with do as the Romans do, or say birds of a feather… without adding flock together, you’re engaging in anapodoton, a term of rhetoric that refers to the...
There are many proposed origins for the exclamation of surprise, holy Toledo! But the most likely one involves not the city in Ohio, but instead Toledo, Spain, which has been a major religious center for centuries in the traditions of both Islam and...
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