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take a haircut

take a haircut v. phr. (in finance) to accept a valuation or return that is less than optimal, especially to partially forgive a debt. Editorial Note: A related term is take a bath, meaning “to suffer substantial or complete loss (of an investment).” (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Ate and Left No Crumbs

The slang phrase someone ate and left no crumbs means the person did something really well. In a previous call, a listener who works in theater noted the use of ate to mean “did something well,” as in they really ate that haircut! This...

How Best to Communicate Shared Grief

What should you say to someone who is grieving the loss of a loved one? When a person is experiencing a loss like that, it matters less what you say and more that you show up in the first place. Non-verbal communication of your sympathy can be far...