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Will The Rain Hurt The Rhubarb?

Obamamania, Obamabot, Obamathon, Obamamentum— the list of variations on the name “Obama” goes on and on. Is there an English word that means “the in-laws of your son or daughter”? And what does it mean when someone...

Your Child’s In-Laws

What do you call the parents of your son’s or daughter’s spouse? They’re your child’s in-laws, but what are they in relation to you and your spouse? A caller who spent years in Latin America says Spanish has a specific term...

mickey relation

mickey relation  n.— «Pat and Elaine are what are known in Ireland as mickey-relations. No blood ties, but are vaguely related to someone who is (probably vaguely) married to someone vaguely related to me. You know they way it is...

velvet hat trick

velvet hat trick  n.— «After I had mentioned velvet hat trick in relation to sports, I quickly found out that a velvet hat trick has little to do with sports at all. I was informed that a velvet hat trick is in fact where you have sex with...

John Thomas

John Thomas  n.— «John Thomas (JT): Position of the penis in relation to unilateral disease on routine x-ray. A positive sign is implied when the penis points to the side of the disorder. May also hear it called Throckmorton sign...

Throckmorton sign

Throckmorton sign  n.— «John Thomas (JT): Position of the penis in relation to unilateral disease on routine x-ray. A positive sign is implied when the penis points to the side of the disorder. May also hear it called Throckmorton sign...

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