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 n.— «A Kenyan architect who stalked and then threatened to rape an American volunteer was sentenced to flogging—a common form of punishment for petty offenders in Botswana—after he pleaded guilty to common nuisance charges in a Botswana court. Barak Ageda, 32, described by the media in Botswana as “lovesick,” admitted that he harassed Ms Heidi Yvonne Epple, 43, for a year and a half after she refused his advances. Back home in Kenya, his sentence, having been transmuted through a process known as “shrubbing,” caused much mirth among listeners to a vernacular radio station, who were told the man had been sentenced to do “frog jumps.”» —“Flogged abroad, croaked at home” East African (Kenya) July 3, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

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