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 n.— «Pissdale. Compound word for a place on deck where the crew formerly “went”; a special scupper for that purpose. “Piss” is an Old French word, originally not offensive; “dale” is from Old Norse “dael” and means “hole.”» —by David O’Neal The Sailor’s Hornbook Nov. 16, 2004. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Curfew From a Command to Cover Fires

The word curfew comes from a French expression that means “cover your fire” and goes all the way back to a similar phrase in Latin. This is part of a complete episode.


Turn Over the White Night

The Portuguese idiom virar a noite refers to doing something all night, such as studying or dancing. Literally, virar a noite means “to turn over the night.” In French a sleepless night is a nuit blanche, or “white night.”...

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