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T-patcher  n.— «With lethal German 88mm artillery shells raining down, Panzer tanks attacked the 36th’s flanks. The T-patchers, as they were called (their insignia was a “T” on an arrowhead patch), literally engaged in “hand-to-tank”...


Computerfuzzi  n.— «A ber nicht, dass Sie jetzt glauben, ich sei ein weltfremder Computerfuzzi.…Ich gehe gerne schwimmen und Rad fahren, ich lese gerne; ich habe auch Freunde, die nicht mal wissen, wo man einen Computer anschaltet...


leitkultur  n.— «Immer noch befassten sich Buerger und Medien lieber mit der (nationalen) Innenpolitik, als mit aussen- oder europapolitischen Fragen. So komme es darauf an, ein Bewusstsein der gemeinsamen europaeischen Kultur zu...


leitkultur  n.— «“This debate,” it adds, “must not omit the issue of a (German) ‘Leitkultur’ (guiding culture), nor the commitments which a self-confident society…not ashamed of its Christian foundations may require of...


trend-spotting  n.— «I was recently chatting with my hairdresser who was telling me she had gone on a “trend-spotting” visit to New York. She asked me, in German, how would she say the word “trend-spotting” in...


ge-email  v.— «My favorite new set of German words has to do with technology. Who knew that “e-mail” was an inseparable verb, evidenced by the past tense of the verb, “ge-emailed?” But be sure to separate the verb...