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 adj.— «Safe. A term used to describe someone who is generally a pretty good egg in all aspects. Example: “Have you met my mate George? He’s well safe, everone loves him.” The term can also be used to reassure—”are you okay?,” reply—”yeah man, safe, safe”» —“Safe” by Ayesha Ghanchi Ayesha’s Ever Expanding Vocabulary (New Cross, Eng.) Oct. 22, 2004. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Tribble Trouble (episode #1564)

In Cockney rhyming slang, apples and pears is a synonym for “stairs,” and dustbin lids means kids. Plus, sniglets are clever coinages for things we don’t already have words for. Any guesses what incogsneeto means? It’s the...