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 n.— «I’m talking about a group of women who are much more mysterious than that: Scrapbookers. It’s all my friend Barb’s fault. One day she lured me to what’s called a “crop,” with cheap promises of a good time, great company, and plenty of junk food.» —“Running With the Scrapbooking Crowd” by Debbie Farmer Gilroy Dispatch (California) Oct. 3, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

You Got Melon

If someone’s got melon, it means they’re smart. The expression most likely arose because of the resemblance between a melon and a human head. Several other foods are associated with having brains, including a cabbage, a gourd, and even a...

Sock it to Me (episode #1557)

In the 15th century, the word respair meant “to have hope again.” Although this word fell out of use, it’s among dozens collected in a new book of soothing vocabulary for troubled times. Plus, baseball slang: If a batter...