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 n.— «A new breed of urban professionals has appeared on the block. Meet the Yuffers: young urban females who typically spend more than they earn, enjoy weekends at country houses or health spas, and who normally have at least two maxed-out credit cards.» —“This week we want to know all about…Yuffers ” by Rowan Walker Observer (United Kingdom) Sept. 3, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

One-Armed Paper Hanger (episode #1518)

The emotional appeal of handwriting and the emotional reveal of animal phrases. Should children be taught cursive writing in school, or is their time better spent studying other things? A handwritten note and a typed one may use the very same words...

The Origin of “Mall” in Shopping Mall

The word mall, as in shopping mall, has traveled a long and winding path, beginning with the Italian game of pallamaglio, which was played with a ball and a mallet. The name of the game found its way into French as pallemaille, which in turn became...