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 n.— «“I started to get real uncomfortable sitting in that ‘wrath,’” Grant Wilson, another TAPS member, said in the season premiere, using a term for a fairy domain, in this case essentially a current of bad vibes in an Irish field, with a monstrous-looking ruin on it.» —“Staking Out the Dead and Having a Lively Time of It” by Virginia Heffernan New York Times June 20, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Uncertain Irish: Neamhchinnte

Rowan in Ottawa, Ontario, says her Irish mom used a puzzling word to indicate a sort of restless discontent not caused by anything in particular. It may be neamhchinnte, which means “uncertain” or “indecisive.” This is part...

Put You in a Wet Paper Bag

Lucy in Louisa, Virginia, recalls that if her mother was exasperated when the kids were misbehaving, she’d announce I’m going to put you both in a wet paper bag and see who falls out first! This is part of a complete episode.
