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woolly booger fever

woolly booger fever
 n.— «On yonder table,” said the Rev. Jack Daniel, “you will find Old No. 7 tonic and blood purifier which exhibits remarkable medicinal properties. I would suggest you pour each of us a tot or two to ward off the Woolly Booger Fever which often strikes without warning in these parts on a September evening.”» —“The Rev. Jack is not part of Gore’s jet set” by D.R. Segal Orange County Register (California) Sept. 6, 1992. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Cabin Fever (episode #1547)

The adjectives canine and feline refer to dogs and cats. But how does English address other groups of animals? Plus, cabin fever has been around much longer than the current pandemic. That restless, antsy, stir-crazy feeling goes back to the days...

Take Tea for the Fever (episode #1508)

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