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If you start the phrase when in Rome… but don’t finish the sentence with do as the Romans do, or say birds of a feather… without adding flock together, you’re engaging in anapodoton, a term of rhetoric that refers to the...
There are many proposed origins for the exclamation of surprise, holy Toledo! But the most likely one involves not the city in Ohio, but instead Toledo, Spain, which has been a major religious center for centuries in the traditions of both Islam and...
I wonder if ‘undertaker’ is a calque from Dutch, the other way around, or borrowed from a whole different language! In Dutch the word ‘ondernemer’ is still used in the broad sense of owning a business. As such, a common mistake for Dutch people to make in English, is to refer to themself as an undertaker, when they mean entrepreneur.
I was surprised you didn’t mention all the other instances in English where ‘undertake’ is still used in its older, broader sense, though specific in its own way. For example ‘undertaking’ to mean a big job or task. Or indeed the verb ‘to undertake’: to embark on a big job. And in reading a dictionary entry at https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/undertake I realize it can even mean ‘to make a promise’ and ‘to take responsibility for something’, though I’ve not come across those organically, yet.