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 n.— «A minimum of 20 people participate, and the cost is $100 a week. Every week the players pay their share until the susu organizer collects a stack of bills totaling $2,000. And every week, one player takes home all the cash. The rotation ends 20 weeks later after everybody has had a payday. Susu is the West Indian term for money pools. Mexicans refer to them as tandas. In Korean they are called kaes.» —“Money pools float immigrant dreams” by Ari Rabinovitch Naples Daily News (Florida) Nov. 26, 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

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Astronauts returning from space say they experience what’s called the overview effect, a new understanding of the fragility of our planet and our need to reflect on what humans all share as a species. A book about the end of the universe...

Sock it to Me (episode #1557)

In the 15th century, the word respair meant “to have hope again.” Although this word fell out of use, it’s among dozens collected in a new book of soothing vocabulary for troubled times. Plus, baseball slang: If a batter...

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