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rollup  n.β€” Β«Patrick Neil, a division manager for Ventura County’s probation department, would not comment on why Avary was removed from the furlough program. “Any causes behind a rollup is not something we can discuss,” Neil...

Ralph Kramden

Ralph Kramden  n.β€” Β«In truth this get-up was pretty much the unvarying male uniform last summer also, but this year an unexpected element has been added to the look, and that is a burgeoning potbelly one might term the Ralph Kramden...


crimalien  n.β€”Gloss: criminal + illegal alien Β«Not all Mexicans are crimaliensβ€”however all ILLEGAL immigrants are crimaliensβ€”if the truth hurtsβ€”change the truthβ€”close the bordersβ€”clean up the mess we have allowed ourselves to get into...


Birther  n.β€” Β«Bill Clinton had the Vince Foster “murder.” George W. Bush had 9/11 Truth. And the new administration has brought with it a new culture of conspiracy: The Birthers. Out of the gaze of the mainstream and even the...

Holy vs. Unholy Terror

Say you have a particularly rambunctious child. Okay, a little hellion. Is it proper to describe the little devil as a holy terror? Or might it be more correct and more logical to call him an unholy terror? A Los Angeles caller thinks it’s the...

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