A Tucson, Arizona, couple is still laughing about the husband‘s misunderstanding of the term soup tureen. This is part of a complete episode.
If you speak a second or third language, you may remember the first time you dreamed in that new tongue. But does this milestone mean you’re actually fluent? And a couple’s dispute over the word regret: Say you wish you’d been able...
Olivia, a sixth-grader in Somerville, New Jersey, says she and her classmates were flummoxed by a word on their spelling-bee study list: xylyl. It’s a term from chemistry, referring to a group of atoms derived from a liquid called xylene. One...
Grant and Martha share more intentional mispronunciations, including tar-ZHAY instead of Target. This is part of a complete episode.
voter-owned election n.— «The qualifying contributions mandate is a provision that is traditionally part of voter-owned elections, another name for publicly financed elections.» —“Sign petitions, not checks” in University...
air-sparaging n.— «Drilling began in 1995 for wells to be used in a process, called air-sparaging, to clean out the coal tar contaminants.» —“Coal-tar cleanup took 20 years” by Mark Simonson Daily Star (Oneonta...