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merk  v.— «“I merked that bitch,” Bryant quoted Hampton as saying, using a slang word for “killed.”» —“Suspect: I stood like ‘dummy’ as pal stabbed pleading girl” by David Weber Boston...


unbwogable  adj.— «Standing in front of me is Frans, grinning from ear to ear, decked out in brand-new, full-out safari gear from head to toe, down to a khaki peacock hat.…All I could muster was, “Frans, have you lost your...


hyphy  n.— «These kids are doing what they like, how they like; getting “dumb, stupid and retarded”—and the thing that’s getting them so worked up is a jittery, sped-up, synth-powered strain of hip-hop they call...


chamcha  n.— «Akbar has been called a chamcha (which means spoon in the Hindi language and has become a slang word for sycophant) to the Gandhi family, and some of that slavish devotion shows up in his uncritical acceptance of Nehru’s...


paint  n.— «His exposed upper body showed a muscular man in his mid-twenties, well painted. For the un-hip, paint is a slang word for tattoos.» —“Week Seven—Iba Sina Hospital (Rated M for Mature)” by Frank Myers One...


desenrascanço n.— «“Desenrascanço” (you read that ‘the-zen-rascan-so’) is simply a slang word for the slacker art of coming up with some last-minute solution for a problem—and as a rule the solution will end up doing more harm than...