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coconut telegraph

coconut telegraph  n.— «SSB networks are simply an organized meeting place on a particular radio frequency at an established time, where an unlimited number of boaters can meet and share the latest weather forecasts and local news. Nets...


meaniac  n.— «Learned a new word today. “Meaniac.” Prominent meaniacs include George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Elmer Fudd, Wily Coyote, Chris Matthews, Lord Voldemort, Pat Buchanon, Darth Vader, Genghis Khan, Mrs Williams (my 5th...

Faunching Around

Ever been accused of faunching around? A San Diego listener says her family used this expression to describe the act of squirming fussily or impatiently, the kind of thing that happens when a toddler gets a haircut. She asks if the word is unique to...


push-button  adj.— «Jockeys like to call horses like Big Brown “push button”—they respond to commands instantly and easily.» —“Preakness laugher leaves Big Brown in line for glory” by Pat Forde ESPN...


parachuting  n.— «Consequently, they engage in a dangerous practice—known as parachuting—whereby they defecate in plastic (lada) bags and throw them into the large uncovered drains which run through several sections of the community...

exploding ARM

exploding ARM  n.— «The man Bob Woodward called “Maestro” actually advised Americans to shun fixed-rate loans for adjustable-rate mortgages. Dubbed “exploding ARMs” to describe the impact of upwardly adjusting...