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kangroo duck

kangroo duck  n.— «Some rescue scenarios would have benefited from tethered or “kangaroo duck” operations, in which a motorized, inflatable raft is quickly deployed with rescue swimmers.» —“Military Spin: A Military View...

pamper pole

pamper pole  n.— «“The Pamper Pole” is a 30-foot pole with a small platform on top. A trapeze hangs about 7 feet out from the platform. The goal is to climb to the top of the pole, stand on the platform and jump out to catch the...

elevator pitch

elevator pitch  n.— «Krueger said his book shows you how to make a “30-second elevator pitch” on voice mail.» —“Hiring Manager Has Real-World Tips For Graduates With Lessons To Learn” by Bonnie Newman...


LOCO  n.— «I was eventually hired to do speechwriting research. The purpose of my research was to identify local references—or LOCO, as we referred to it. LOCO can help a candidate connect with an audience by mentioning something that...

cuffing and stuffing

cuffing and stuffing  v.— «The days of cuffing and stuffing criminals in jail are long gone. The role of police officers has been broadened to include the title of educator.» —“DARE Lessons Worth It; Kids Remember” Palm...

vineyard seating

vineyard seating  n.— «There’s also talk that the ASO will ask for a “vineyard seating” hall, where the audience can sit behind and to the sides of the stage on shallow terraces—a cozier arrangement for the audience, but a...

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