red light fever n.— «Around 1970 aged 10 my Dad and I went into a booth in Victoria Station where you could record a “45” seven inch record. (like in the video for “Tribute” by those joke heavy metal idiots…...
descope v.— «I’ve been collecting examples of the jargon in common use by people at NASA Headquarters.…Descope: verb, to redesign a project as a result of budget cuts (not the opposite of scope, q.v.).» —“Glossary of NASA...
vishing n.— «Last year some of us made jokes about Vishing on funsec, today it’s a reality.…Special thanks to the good guys at Websense and the PIRT guys at CastleCOPS PIRT.» —“[Full-disclosure] Vishing (voice/phone...
brick n.— «Yesterday I did what is known in triathlon parlance as a “brick.” Insert brick jokes here. A brick is two segments of the triathlon performed back-to-back. I opted to do my most challenging portion, the bike-run...
katlick n.— «All the desis I hang out with in New York are ABCDs or katlicks (catholics) none of whom know any bombay slang—or understand bombay jokes.» —“Bombay, 2:25 PM” by TheGreatGujju The Indian...
super-senior n.— «Argus, who graduated from the University of Oklahoma in his “”super-senior” year of 1974, is the son of Argus Hamilton Jr. and Paula Hamilton.» —“Will Rogers II Comedian Hamilton’s Jokes Hit...