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Episode 1581

Your Imaginary Boyfriend

We use the term Milky Way for that glowing arc across the sky. But how people picture it varies from culture to culture. In Sweden, that starry band goes by a name that means “Winter Street,” and in Hawaii, a term for the Milky Way...

Hunk Waffle

Decisions by dictionary editors, wacky wordplay, and Walt Whitman’s soaring verse. How do lexicographers decide which historical figures deserve a mention or perhaps even an illustration in the dictionary? The answer changes with the times. •...

His Balloon Has Lost Its String

If someone’s balloon has lost its string, it means “they’ve come unmoored”. Something unusual or odd has come about in their character. Patrice Evans used the illustration in his description of Tracy Morgan in an article for...


illo  n.— Â«Direct your gaze, if you will, to the illustration (or ‘‘illo,’’ as they say in the publishing game) in the center of this page.» â€”“Diablo Cody on Heroine Chic” by Diablo Cody Entertainment Weekly Jan...


dick  v.— Â«The security personnel who work for many of the larger media organisations call this being “dicked.” It was given a graphic illustration earlier this month with the kidnapping of Australian television journalist John...