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Sounding Like the People Around You

A listener from Fairfield, Connecticut, wonders why she changes her accent and diction when family members from the Middle East are in town. Truth it, everyone does this. It’s a matter of imitating those around us in order to make ourselves...

Where the Tsar Goes

A listener shares a Russian saying that translates I am going “there where the Tsar goes on foot,” meaning “I am going to the bathroom.” It’s the equivalent of we all put our pants on one leg at a time, or we’re...


fangasm  n.— «It’s my second year at Con. I love it. I learned a new word: “fangasm.”» —“Comic-Con: ‘Torchwood’ and ‘Being Human’ get cheeky” by Hanh Nguyen Zap2it July 26, 2009. (source: Double...


prebate  n.— «Malaker said one of the main reasons the plan is called the “fair tax” is because of what is called the “prebate.” The FairTax prebate is a tax rebate—paid a month in advance by the government—on...


homophily  n.— «Sociologists have a term for this birds-of-a-feather-flocking-together phenomenon: Homophily. Some explanations for America’s political homophily suggest that a president who is determined to be a uniter might be able to...