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Episode 1499

Truth and Beauty

Malamute, kayak, and parka are just some of the words that have found their way into English from the language of indigenous people in northern climes. β€’ In the 1970s, some scientists argued that two quarks should be called truth and beauty. β€’ The...

Episode 1612

Fair Dinkum

A magnificent new book celebrates the richness and diversity of 450 years of written and spoken English in what is now the United States. It’s called The People’s Tongue, and it’s a sumptuous collection of essays, letters, poems...

Your Name in Song Word Game

When a member of our Facebook Group named Melody jokingly dubbed herself as Highway to Mel β€” an homage to the AC/DC song “Highway to Hell” β€” Quiz Guy John Chaneski found a musical hook for this puzzle, which requires blending a...

My Word is Born

Michael from Sherman Oaks, California, says that as a teacher in New Jersey in the 1980s, he heard students saying My word is born, meaning “You better believe me,” and later shortened to simply word. The research of linguist Geneva...

Episode 1457

Boss of Me

If you want to be a better writer, try skipping today’s bestsellers, and read one from the 1930’s instead. Or read something besides fiction in order to find your own metaphors and perspective. Plus, just because a city’s name...