leitkultur n.— «There has been much talk in recent months of the emerging Spasskultur—roughly translatable as “fun ethos,” and not to be confused with Leitkultur. The latter is an undefined mishmash of traditional German...
leitkultur n.— «Immer noch befassten sich Buerger und Medien lieber mit der (nationalen) Innenpolitik, als mit aussen- oder europapolitischen Fragen. So komme es darauf an, ein Bewusstsein der gemeinsamen europaeischen Kultur zu...
leitkultur n. mainstream or guiding culture. Etymological Note: German leit ‘leading (adj.); leader’ + kultur ‘culture’ (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
leitkultur n.— «Merz, CDU parliamentary floor leader, has been criticised for saying foreigners had no choice but to accept German as the “dominant culture,” using the term German “Leitkultur” that raised memories...
leitkultur n.— «“This debate,” it adds, “must not omit the issue of a (German) ‘Leitkultur’ (guiding culture), nor the commitments which a self-confident society…not ashamed of its Christian foundations may require of...
rat line n.— «The former CIC colonel said hundreds of Nazis were brought out of Germany by the same route and “everybody that went through the Rat Line was personally accompanied to the ship by a member of our organization...