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Take-Off Quiz with John Chaneski

Quiz Guy John Chaneski has a take-off puzzle this week, offering clues to rhyming two-word phrases made by removing the letter D from the beginning of one of them. For example, if your sound equipment was damaged in a flood, what are you left with...

flood car

flood car  n.— «Hurricanes have done major devastation to the southern coastline, and the clean up project will likely take years to return things to some what normal. What I am concerned about is the potentially HUGE number of vehicles...


mudjacking  n.— «The repairs to Sprigg Street have included removing fill material put in place to raise the roadbed following the Great Flood of 1993, material that had deteriorated badly, Gramling said. “It was just kind of a mud...


stoplog  n.— «When the levee was completed 10 years ago the only gap was the one created for the railway tracks. The tracks made floodgates impossible, so the solution chosen is what is called a “stoplog” system. This system consists of...


predictomics  n.— «The NCTR also plans to attach a module with chemical structures and a text-mining module that can be used for predictions. It has coined the term “predictomics” to describe the field of toxicoinformatics and...

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