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 n.— Â«In 1994, the British Journalist and Conservative Party politician, Stephen Milligan, died as a result of autoerotic asphyxiation, or commonly known as “scarfing.” This potentially fatal method of masturbation involves cutting off oxygen to the brain during the act, to experience heightened pleasure and a more intense orgasm. Death often occurs when the participant loses consciousness, and thus loses control over the strangling mechanism, which eventually kills them.» â€”“The weirdest deaths in history” by Warren Vonk Health 24 (Cape Town, South Africa) Oct., 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Twice a day the River Thames recedes, revealing a muddy shoreline. Hobbyists known as mudlarks stroll the surface searching for objects that have found their way into the river over the centuries, everything from ancient Roman jewelry to modern...