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 v. phr.— «Originally for condoning the use of foul language and making fun of people’s families. Since then I have had a lot of time for A Goose, he is a good sport who takes a rark on the chin.» —“Boofhead Club—For Matty O” by Dr. Who in New Zealand Usenet: aus.sport.rugby-league Sept. 5, 1999. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Love Bites (episode #1569)

The word filibuster has a long and colorful history, going back to the days when pirates roamed the high seas. Today it refers to hijacking a piece of legislation. Plus, the language of yoga teachers: When doing a guided meditation, you may hear...

Smack Dab (episode #1652)

A flashlight emits a steady beam of light. So what’s the flash part of that word about? Also, if you’re a nervous Nellie, you’re skittish and indecisive—both characteristics of an American politician who earned that nickname in the...