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 n.— «New word for the dictionary: Poligion. The consolidation of religion and politics into one belief system. The belief in and reverence for a political party or person with unwavering faith in their supremacy and infallibility.» —“Hostile territory” Tallahassee Democrat (Florida) Feb. 9, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

As Old as Methuselah

Chad in Hilliard, Florida, wonders about the expression old as Methuselah, meaning “extremely advanced in years.” The phrase references Methuselah, a figure in Jewish, Islamic, and Christian tradition said to be 969 years old when he...

Pretty as a Speckled Pup

Carmen in Jacksonville, Florida, was told she was pretty as a speck of puff. The more common simile is pretty as a speckled pup or cute as a speckled pup. This is part of a complete episode.
