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 v.— «Xplicit grafx gives you a wrong insight of paris train scene cause its run by ***-crew and so it makes you belive this xxx-crew is kinging paris trains.» —“Re: Honet Rules!!!” by Mike (mike@graffiti.org) Usenet: alt.graffiti Aug. 11, 1997. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Ring-Tailed Tooter (episode #1563)

National Book Award winner Barry Lopez had wise advice for young writers. First, read widely and follow your curiosity. Second, travel or learn a foreign language. And third, find out what you truly believe, because if you’re not writing from...

Snaggletooth (episode #1560)

Many of us struggled with the Old English poem “Beowulf” in high school. But what if you could actually hear “Beowulf” in the English of today? There’s a new translation by Maria Dahvana Headley that uses contemporary...

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