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 n.— «This wasn’t some callow youth adjusting to the exigencies of cruel Fate that saw a father die before his time and mother grappling, appropriately or inappropriately, with that loss; he was an adult—“grey-back,” in our Jamaican parlance—capable of, at this point of his development, understanding how the world worked, how women worked.» —“New year. Same dumb old stereotypes” by Sharon Leach Jamaica Observer (Kingston) Jan. 15, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

The Wheels Came Off

A listener named Tami contacted the show by WhatsApp to say that whenever someone would be talking about a subject that nobody else knew anything about, her father-in-law would respond with I had one of those, but the wheels came off. This is part...

Tummy Egg

After misunderstanding the term tummy ache as tummy egg, a three-year-old has questions. This is part of a complete episode.
