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 n.— Â«On Sunday, May 21, community bike clubs will sponsor the first annual Southeast Iowa Regional Bicycle Fleche to Geode State Park, near Danville. Fleche is a French term for a bike ride that starts from three different locations with the same destination.» â€”“Special events set for Bike to Work Week” Daily Gate City (Keokuk, Iowa) May 5, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

The Whited Sepulchre

Debbie from Keokuk, Iowa, shares a funny story about her family’s tradition of speed-cleaning the house if guests were coming over. Her mother would declare, “Quick, guys! Whited sepulchre approach!” Her use of the term whited...

Tribble Trouble (episode #1564)

In Cockney rhyming slang, apples and pears is a synonym for “stairs,” and dustbin lids means kids. Plus, sniglets are clever coinages for things we don’t already have words for. Any guesses what incogsneeto means? It’s the...