email bankruptcy
n.— «Is there such a thing as email bankruptcy so you can start clean and not owe anyone anything anymore?» —“Re: PING Tuesday” by Tuesday Knight Usenet: alt.religion.wicca Oct. 22, 2003. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
email bankruptcy
n.— «Is there such a thing as email bankruptcy so you can start clean and not owe anyone anything anymore?» —“Re: PING Tuesday” by Tuesday Knight Usenet: alt.religion.wicca Oct. 22, 2003. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
There are many proposed origins for the exclamation of surprise, holy Toledo! But the most likely one involves not the city in Ohio, but instead Toledo, Spain, which has been a major religious center for centuries in the traditions of both Islam and...
There are lots of creative names for the @, also known in English as the at-sign. In Denmark and Sweden, it’s sometimes called the snabel-a, or “elephant trunk.” In Italian, it’s a chiocciola, or “snail. In Greek...