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elephant cage

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  • What verbiage? If you want to see more of the citations, then click on the article or publication name. If they’re not live links, then more content isn’t available.

  • Are you talking about the “Transmitter Hunting” book I linked above? If so, there’s no way to link directly to a specific page in a book in Amazon, but you can use the “Search inside this book” feature at Amazon to find the passage I excerpted here.

    If that doesn’t help, then can you send me a screenshot of what you’re seeing? Send it to editor@doubletongued.org. Also include what opening page are you talking about, specifically giving the URL.

  • I mean on the opening page. 
    I wanted to finish reading the article on FLR9’s oe Elephant Cages but the article was cut of in mid sentence and nothing I tried would scroll or move the text up so it could be read. 
    Is there some magic entry? 
    Do I need t register or join or something? 

    thanks;  j.kuss

  • On Clark Air Base in the Phillipines we had an Elephant Cage too—I always thought that was a term coined by the local people for it!

Further reading

Earrings for Elephants

Sara in Madison, Wisconsin, was reading an old edition of The Joy of Cooking and came across a recipe that described a cake’s ingredients as earrings for an elephant. She couldn’t discern whether the authors meant that was a good thing...