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 v.— «With so few dispatchers, people often work overtime to fill gaps in the schedule, according to the union. Eight-hour shifts can turn into 12 hours if there aren’t enough dispatchers available to work, which can lead to what is known as “double-back.” “Double-back is a situation where you work and you have to come back in eight hours, which really doesn’t allow for much rest,” Gurnsey said. “We have people now who will sometimes work 12 hours, and then work 12 hours the next day, and then due to how the shifts fall, they may only have eight hours off and have to come back and work another 12 hours.”» —“Dispatchers, 911 system at odds over overtime due ” by John Reynolds State Journal-Register (Springfield, Illinois) July 10, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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