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canary glass

canary glass
 n.— «Vaseline glass wasn’t termed as such until 1950 when it had already become a collectible. Prior to that, it was called canary glass or uranium glass, but collectors didn’t think these terms correctly identified it. It was in the 1950s that a collector noted its color was similar to the petroleum jelly of the time and called it Vaseline glass.» —“Glow-in-the-dark glass a lure for night-loving collectors” by Jean McClelland Herald-Dispatch (Huntington, W.V.) Aug. 21, 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Navel-Gazing (episode #1549)

In 1971, when a new public library opened in Troy, Michigan, famous authors and artists were invited to write letters to the city’s youngest readers, extolling the many benefits of libraries. One of the loveliest was from E.B. White, author of...