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 n.— «Videos on YouTube show players suffering mishaps with the controllers—or “wiinjuries,” as they have become known by some.» —“Nintendo offers to replace Wii straps” Guardian (United Kingdom) Dec. 15, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Kiss the Cow (episode #1567)

An anadrome is a word that forms a whole new word when you spell it backwards. For example, the word “stressed” spelled backwards is “desserts.” Some people’s first names are anadromes. There’s the girl named Noel...

Sleeve Island (episode #1637)

Language from inside a monastery. A Benedictine monk shares terms from his world: For example, corporate prayer refers to praying as a group, not urging shares to return dividends. And did you know there’s a term of art for those annoying add...