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Correcting Others’ Grammar

When is it okay to correct someone’s grammar? A listener from Madison, Wisconsin, says a friend went for a parent-teacher conference only to notice that a sign in the classroom read “Things your thankful for.” Should the teacher be called out? Is she committing educational malpractice by indoctrinating the four-year-olds with harmful misspelling? Before rushing to judgment, remember that teachers have an enormous amount of work to deal with, and you sure don’t want to be “that parent”! But of course, if you’re going to confront someone about a mistake, it’s always best to do it one on one. This is part of a complete episode.

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  • Not only did s/he get “your/you’re” wrong, but it should have actually said, “Thing for which you are thankful.” NO PREPOSITIONS at the end of sentences! Winston Churchill would be rolling in his grave. Sheeeesh.

  • Jay, the idea that one should never use a preposition at the end of a sentence is a false one. There is nothing wrong with it, there never has been anything wrong with it, that rule should never have been taught (and should not be taught), and there is no linguistic or grammar authority that I know which has a problem with ending a sentence with a preposition. We talked about it on the show here: https://waywordradio.org/preposition-at-the-end-of-a-sentence/

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