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 adj.— «She very well may…but she would not make the same kind of fuss over someone else saying it….she just hates me and has to jump on all my posts this way. I respect myself very much as well. I also find it funny that a few posts of mine in response to someone bringing up “cunt magick.”..and putting in an affirmative…can be seen as sleazy. I love my arms,my legs,etc. too…but for some reason you use the word *cunt* for what it is…and she gets all utzy.» —“Re: Cunt Magick” by wt211@victoria.tc.ca (Brenda G. Kent) Usenet: alt.pagan Jan. 21, 2003. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

When Alligator Gets Loose in the Dictionary!

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