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 n.— «And by men, we mean those already at the peak of their careers, proven by their luxury vehicles while parked nearby their drivers play cards, waiting for their bosses till the wee hours. Suave and moneyed, these new breed of mature gentlemen, in the language of today’s youth, are widely referred to as the “thunder cats” or “thunders” for short. (If you belong to the same age range, ask your teenage daughter what these feline-inspired terms mean.)» —“Sitti lights beyond the ‘thunder cats’” by Totel V. De Jesus Manial Standard Today (Philippines) Apr. 29, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Smack Dab (episode #1652)

A flashlight emits a steady beam of light. So what’s the flash part of that word about? Also, if you’re a nervous Nellie, you’re skittish and indecisive—both characteristics of an American politician who earned that nickname in the...

Are There Languages That Aren’t Very Idiomatic?

Joey from Orono, Minnesota, has been learning Italian and its many idioms, which makes him wonder if there are other languages that can simply be learned in a classroom without input from a larger cultural context of new and evolving expressions...