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Episode 1386

Thrown For A Loop

We all lead busy lives—so are speed reading courses a good idea? Plus, if you hear someone speaking with a British accent, do you tend to assume they’re somehow more intelligent? And some common English surnames tell us stories about life in...

Road Trip!

In this episode, a listener says his friend Harold likes to do social phoning while driving, so he’s invented a term for mindless calling while in the car. And no, it’s not “car-pe diem.” Also, Martha and Grant also discuss...

Wigs on the Green

This week’s Slang This! contestant guesses at the meaning of the slang expressions “wigs on the green” and “fake and bake.” This is part of a complete episode.

push someone’s wig back

push someone’s wig back  v. phr.— «Revisiting the crime scene, Mr. Roe said the most terrifying moment that night was not when a gang member pointed a gun at his head and threatened to “push his wig back,” slang for shooting him in the...


wig-wag n. a rapidly alternating or strobing warning light. Also attributive. Editorial Note: Often plural, since the lights are rarely used singly. Semaphore flags have long been called “wig-wags” in the Navy, Marines, and other...