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Subscribing to an Idea

Is subscribing just for magazines and podcasts, or can you subscribe to an idea? A husband and wife disagree over whether the latter is grammatically correct. This is part of a complete episode.

The Blue Bark Mystery (minicast)

A caller asks a delicate question about the phrase “blue bark shipment,” a term involving the transport of deceased members of the military. Martha and Grant discuss this puzzling expression and the challenge of tracking down its...

This Week or Next? (minicast)

The Pod Couple—also known as Martha and Grant—consider just when is “next week” or “this Monday” anyway? A husband and wife with a long running dispute turn to Martha and Grant for help.

Phonemarking (minicast)

Oh, yes, it’s time for another podcast, this one featuring a slang quiz on the word “phonemarking.” Transcript of “Phonemarking (minicast)” Welcome to the summer edition of Slang This, the language quiz from A Way with...