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A die-hard Tyler Perry fan is curious about an emphatic expression she’s heard in some of his movies: Hell-to-the-no. What’s up with the extra words? This is part of a complete episode.


simming  n.—Gloss: From “simulating.” «It took a room full of networked computers called a “render farm” to do in about 14 months what would have taken a single machine 16 years: churn out digital scenes precisely modeled after...


kaleidic  adj.— «Shackle argued that we live in a “kaleidic society, interspersing its moments or intervals of order, assurance and beauty with sudden disintegration and a cascade into a new pattern.”» —“Nobody Expects the...


pant-load  n.— «You can recognize notoriety by the three-name phenomenon. John Wilkes Booth, John Wayne Bobbitt, Mary Tyler Moore (just kidding). Shoot, it’s already happened to Harding’s pant-load of a bodyguard, Shawn Eric...

lagniappe semester

lagniappe semester  n.— «Tulane will be running a second spring term starting in mid-May (dubbed, in local parlance, a “Lagniappe Semester”) to keep students on track for graduation.» —“An Economist Visits New...

Baghdad boils

Baghdad boils  n.— «Sergeant Zachary Tyler brought back more than memories when he returned home after a year in Iraq recently. The Richmond man is suffering from leishmaniasis…, a skin disease soldiers call …quote …”Baghdad Boils...

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