A die-hard Tyler Perry fan is curious about an emphatic expression she’s heard in some of his movies: Hell-to-the-no. What’s up with the extra words? This is part of a complete episode.
simming n.—Gloss: From “simulating.” «It took a room full of networked computers called a “render farm” to do in about 14 months what would have taken a single machine 16 years: churn out digital scenes precisely modeled after...
kaleidic adj.— «Shackle argued that we live in a “kaleidic society, interspersing its moments or intervals of order, assurance and beauty with sudden disintegration and a cascade into a new pattern.”» —“Nobody Expects the...
pant-load n.— «You can recognize notoriety by the three-name phenomenon. John Wilkes Booth, John Wayne Bobbitt, Mary Tyler Moore (just kidding). Shoot, it’s already happened to Harding’s pant-load of a bodyguard, Shawn Eric...
lagniappe semester n.— «Tulane will be running a second spring term starting in mid-May (dubbed, in local parlance, a “Lagniappe Semester”) to keep students on track for graduation.» —“An Economist Visits New...
Baghdad boils n.— «Sergeant Zachary Tyler brought back more than memories when he returned home after a year in Iraq recently. The Richmond man is suffering from leishmaniasis…, a skin disease soldiers call …quote …”Baghdad Boils...