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Diegetic and Non-Diegetic

In film production, the term diegetic refers to a sound that occurs within the story itself that the characters supposedly hear, whereas non-diegetic sound refers to background music or narration. For example, the tune played by the pianist in...

Running dance x - The One Who Brung You

The One Who Brung You

You’ve been reading a book but you’re just not into it. How do you quit it, guilt-free? How do you break up with a book? Also, what do you ask for when you go through the grocery checkout line: bag, sack, or something else? Plus, brung...

functional food

functional food  n.— «Too many kids are taken in by claims of health benefits in products that have been enhanced by chemical additives, including fiber, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins. The industry calls these “functional...


smoke  n.— «I think Tree means to tune the gamma match with the variable capacitor for best transmitter output, or “maximum smoke,” as it is sometimes called.» —“The K7RA Solar Update” by Tad...


podcatch  v.— «In others, it can automatically deposit it on an MP3 player such as an iPod. Some software—often referred to as podcatchers—are for “podcatching” and podcatching alone. For other software (eg: iTunes), podcatching is just...