so-lo n.— «Which makes it all the more peculiar that this isn’t being touted as a high-end business machine, but a social networking device, with personalised home screens and tools for sharing your (sound the marketing buzz word alert)...
knobology n.— «Students take readily to the computerized training. Byron Hull, who manages training for the Air Route Traffic Control Centers, refers to the computer savvy of the new recruits as “knobology,” a neologism that describes the...
HAC n.— «The apparel is one of many new tools medical professionals are adding to their arsenal for the fight against hospital-acquired conditions. HACs, as they are called, are injuries or ailments patients receive after admission...
race ring n.— «“We’re literally going out there with the kind of tools you’d have in your garage,” said Colonel Fossum, the lead spacewalker for the mission. The astronauts will use a putty knife to smooth the surface of the “race ring,”...
operacy n.— «In fact, argument and criticism—the tools of philosophers and thinkers in any serious field of knowledge—are to be dispensed with in the de Bono outlook, since they apparently lead to a “dangerous arrogance.”...
tundra daisy n.— «Like many residents of the North, I’ve found that the easiest and cheapest of all materials to recycle are 55-gallon drums, five-gallon (Blazo) gas cans and Blazo shipping crates. These versatile objects have been put to...