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tent pole

tent pole  n.— «A studio like Fox usually works on dozens of DVD’s at a time—from minor television shows to $100 million-plus “tent poles” meant to draw everyone in and that entail a marketing blitz mapped out long beforehand...

tent pole

tent pole n. something, such as a commercial undertaking, a story franchise, or a fictional character, that serves as primary support (for a company, television program, etc.), especially a blockbuster movie which compensates for a studio’s flops...

tent pole

tent pole  n.— «Mr. Mancuso describes “Beverly Hills Cop II” as a “tent pole” movie. Each year Paramount makes several high-budget films “that because of content, star value or storyline have immediate want-to...

tent pole

tent pole  n.— «As the only major industry in town, it is the tent pole of Stratford’s economy.» —“As Stratford’s World Turns” by Gina Mallet Globe and Mail (Toronto, Can.) Mar. 27, 1986. (source: Double...

tent pole

tent pole  n.— «The industry term for a movie (usually but not always a franchise flick) that a major studio expects will be a blockbuster (but often isn’t), “tent pole” is a particularly evocative buzzword to toss around these...

tent pole

tent pole  n.— «It’s easy to see how big movies—called “tent poles” in industry parlance—can be big risks. “You can’t afford too many tent poles in a year,” said Jeff Sine, the global head of media at UBS Warburg...