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Episode 1373

Ride the Merry-Go-Round

A pint-sized mad scientist, a green-haired girl with a contagious sense of wonder, and a 10-year-old detective. They’re all characters in the books on Grant’s latest list of recommended books for children. Also, what’s the word for...

anchor baby

anchor baby  n.— «Stein contends undocumented aliens should not be allowed to benefit because they have children born in this country. Turning a blind eye to such issues, Stein asserted, encourages immigrant families to conceive...


squishy  adj.— «he problem in valuing a business is that an entrepreneurial company’s key assets often are, to use a nontechnical term, squishy.» —“The Number Cruncher Versus the Vision Guy” by Alison Stein Wellner Inc...


zeitgeber  n.— «All companies exist in a cacophony of competing time rhythms, relentlessly drummed out by, among others, suppliers, clients, and competitors…These “external pacers” are known among academics as...