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blue-sky  v.— «At a time when North Americans are romancing the political right, however, the woman who once took Tommy Douglas sailing and grew up in a household where M. J. Coldwell was a frequent visitor is not “blue...


blue-sky  v.— «They couldn’t understand why we would pour money into such “harebrained blue-skying” instead of giving it to them to design yet another model of their ill-fated line of processors.» —“Nurturing of Corporate...


blue-sky  v.— «Can’t you just hear some government official blue-skying and saying the system would be so much more affordable if all those pesky old people would just die?» —“Healthcare: The truth about your government” by...

sky bill

sky bill  n.— «Everybody partakes in plundering the funds of the state, sometimes in extremely blatant and cynical fashion, such as in the practice that has come to be known in popular parlance as “sky bill,” where work orders...


Ra-cha-cha  n.— «So were walking away from sky bar on franklin, and I’m rapping with this uber hot chick, and the Ra-cha-cha (slang for rochester) girls roll up.» —“Time to catch up” by Guy From Buffalo in Buffalo, N.Y...