For a closer look at the language of the twitterati, check out Erin McKean’s recent piece in the Boston Globe. Glossaries of Twitter-related terms can be found at Twittonary, and Twictionary. We didn’t say all the coinages were clever...
cartocacoethes n.— Note: Related to cacoethes. «Indeed, many prehistoric “maps” may be the result of cartocacoethes—a mania, uncontrollable urge, compulsion or itch to see maps everywhere. Map simulacra like chipped paint: a stone China:...
sleeved out adj.—Gloss: Related to the verb “to sleeve.” «Sometimes that can be a problem, especially if the men are “sleeved out”—a term used to describe tattoos which cover the arms.» —“Department of corrections job...
haji stove n.— Note: Related to haji and haji mart. «The chai itself is usually green, but sometimes will be black. It is made by putting the tea leaves in the pot and boiling the water, often on a burner sitting directly atop a propane...
frequent-flyer program n.— Note: Related to frequent flier and diesel therapy. «Frakt obtained Guantanamo records showing Jawad was moved 112 times from cell to cell during a two-week period in May 2004 in what was known as the...
dicker n.— Note: Related to dick ‘to watch or to keep under surveillance.’ «It’s a well known Taliban tactic to use what the Marines call “Dickers” (spotters) to monitor their patrols and choose if and when to...