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An 11 O’clock Showbiz Numbers

In theatrical parlance, an 11 o’clock number is a showstopping tune late in a musical, which usually coincides with the protagonist or other major character having a life-changing realization. An example would be the song “So Long...

page 75

page 75  n.— «In a typical Hollywood screenplay, there comes a moment just before the third act when the protagonist is faced with certain defeat. It is the part of the film in which the bad guys gain crucial ground after a series of...

magic Negro

magic Negro  n.— «Unlike the typical bluesy earth folksy denim-overalls noble-in-the-face-of-cracker-racism aw shucks Pulitzer Prize-winning protagonist mojo black man, I am not the seventh son of a seventh son of a seventh son. » —by...

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