heaving n.— «The changing temperature of our winters causes garden soil to expand and contract. This process can literally lift a plant out of its planting hole in the garden. This process is known as heaving. Many newly planted...
surface bargaining n.— «Despite the union vote by the plant’s largely Guatemalan immigrant workers, Case Farms has resorted to what is called “surface bargaining,” in which they pretend to bargain, but actually just waste time with low...
whipsawing n.— «Whipsawing is a term for the corporate tactic of pitting employees at one plant against workers at another plant of the same company. Workers who produce similar vehicles or components find themselves in competition to get...
family forest n.— «That complexity is why he and other Northeast foresters are increasingly being called on by private landowners to help them manage their wooded acreage, commonly called “family forests.” Many of the owners...
trip n.— «In the parlance of the electric power industry, a “trip” means a piece of machinery stops operating. A series of feedwater system pumps supplying water to TMI-2’s steam generators tripped on the morning of March 28...
sang n.— «Since the native ginseng plant, a protected species, is extremely valuable in some Eastern quarters, its demand has given rise to poaching—hunters digging the roots illegally prior to the state-sanctioned harvest season...